Cute animals come in various sizes, but Hot Flav believes that tiny animals, like those found on fingers, tend to be the cutest. While we also love big animals, they exude a different kind of cute.
Experience the cuteness overload with the ‘Tiny Animals on Fingers’ subreddit, a community of 80k members celebrating illegally small critters perched on fingers. See the best heartwarming photos, and don’t forget to like your favorite ones.
#1 Tiny Baby Chameleons

#2 Cute Hamster

#3 Those Smol Legs

#4 Much Tiny Boi

#5 Pixie is a subadult northern blossom bat, which is a species of flying fox. She weighs 8g.

#6 Green Tree Pythons

#7 One Smol Dragon

#8 Newborn Feathertail Gliders

#9 A tiny baby hummingbird is drinking nectar from a raspberry.

#10 Tiny Baby Harvest Mouse

#11 Baby Blue Tailed Skink

#12 The Spotted Turtle and Spotted Frog, scientifically known as Clemmys guttata and Ranitomeya vanzolini, respectively

What makes something cute often relates to certain physical traits that differ from those of adults. For example, a large head in proportion to the body can make an animal or baby appear cute. Additionally, large eyes, round cheeks, a large forehead, a small chin, and a small nose can all contribute to the cuteness factor.
Despite our desire to pet and hold adorable animals, it is important to consider that interacting with wildlife may not be the safest or most responsible choice. It is best to observe and appreciate wildlife from a distance rather than attempting to get too close.
#13 This Baby Starfish

#14 Baby Ashy Gecko

#15 Baby Snapping Turtles Look Just Like Little Dinosaurs.

#16 Brave Lil Grabbies

If you want to provide food for wild animals of any size, it’s important to ensure they don’t rely on humans for sustenance.
#17 Caterpillar Posing

#18 Tiny Frog

#19 Orphaned Baby Opossum I Am Raising

#20 Look At You

#21 My Friend’s New Baby Turtle

#22 A Baby Horned Lizzard

#23 The Tiniest Of Geckos

#24 Floyd

#25 This Super Adorable Bee

#26 Little Baby Grasshopper

#27 Pinky Finger

#28 Welcome To The World

#29 The Kraken was even cute once upon a time.

#30 This morning, I discovered two baby bats rolling around on my deck. I had never seen a baby bat before and thought that maybe others hadn’t either.

#31 The Tinyness Of This Frog

#32 Why not consider a non-furry little companion? I had this guy with me for a while in Hawaii

#33 Tiny Snek

#34 Teeny Baby Swordfish

#35 My Lil’ Starfish Buddy

#36 Little Ghost

#37 A Little Vietnamese Mossy Frog

#38 A Tiny Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

#39 “As a wildlife conservationist, I often face challenges, but seeing the critically endangered baby lemur leaf frog reminds me of why I do what I do.”

#40 Tiny Sea Slugs