Dogs are known for their exceptional love and devotion to their human companions. They form strong, lifelong bonds with us and are known for their unconditional love. This is why they are beloved by people all over the world. As time goes on, their bond with us only deepens and becomes even stronger. Whether they are providing comfort and support during difficult times, or simply bringing joy and happiness to our daily lives, dogs are truly a special and integral part of our lives.

When you adopt a dog, and it becomes part of your family, anything bad that happens to the dog will also make you sad. This is what happened to Carlos Fresco, who had a special bond with his 10-year-old dog named Monty. Carlos loved Monty like a friend and family member. Scroll down to read and learn more about this emotional story.

More info & Photo courtesy: Brecon Radnor


final adventure  with dog
Image credits: Brecon Radnor

Monty had leukemia and received chemotherapy treatment, but unfortunately, the leukemia returned and greatly affected his health.

Fresco noticed that his dear friend Monty was approaching the end of his life and was experiencing a lot of pain. As someone who deeply cared for Monty and loved him without conditions, Fresco wanted to make sure Monty’s remaining days were enjoyable.


final adventure  with dog
Image credits: Brecon Radnor

He decided to take Monty to their favorite places and play with him. He put Monty in a wheelbarrow and pushed him to all the places they used to go. Monty was sitting in the wheelbarrow very nicely.


final adventure  with dog
Image credits: Brecon Radnor

It was very emotional to see Fresco take Monty to places where they had shared happy memories. They went on hikes and mountain tops, and many other hikers and strangers joined them to keep Monty company. It was clear that Monty was very happy during these outings.


final adventure  with dog
Image credits: Brecon Radnor

Monty liked going on hikes, and his favorite hike was to a mountain top in Wales. Fresco said this was his way of honoring Monty, who was a very happy person and made everyone around him happy too.

Monty died on June 21st, 2021 and many people are very sad about it. Fresco still remembers the good times he had with Monty and is grateful for their friendship. We hope that May Monty rest in peace

Here are some pictures of the last things Monty did. Please leave your thoughts about these pictures in the comments section below.


final adventure  with dog
Image credits: Brecon Radnor


final adventure  with dog
Image credits: Brecon Radnor


final adventure  with dog
Image credits: Brecon Radnor


final adventure  with dog
Image credits: Brecon Radnor


final adventure  with dog
Image credits: Brecon Radnor


final adventure  with dog
Image credits: Brecon Radnor

Related Article You May Also Like – An Air Force Veteran and His Faithful Dog Go on a Final Journey Within an Hour and a Half.


  1. The picture in the rucksack i like Most. It was Great what the ownwer did for his dog, great love ❤️❤️❤️

  2. AWESOME!!! This man was AWESOME to his dog!!! I always have held my dogs in my lap and arms when my precious dogs needed to Cross the Rainbow Bridge. I wanted them to know I was ALWAYS with them forever and ever!!!!

  3. This story touches my soul down to the core. I’m also a animal lover has as well. I lost my horse of 28yrs. Old, I’ve lost my Bird Dog Pretty girl at only 7yrs old from cancer, I’ve lost my lil weenie dog BayBay at age 18yrs old from massive strokes.I miss them every minute of every day but I have great memories of them all. May you rest in peace Monty your Daddy truly loved you sweet Fur baby..

  4. So good to see a happy fur boy story and some one who loved his dog as they should be. Thanks for sharing.

  5. That was the sweetest thing, and you could see the bond between the two of them was a really tight bond. It’s so hard when a pet youve been with so long passes. Just like losing a family member.

  6. What a heart- warming story. You are a kind man, and I know Monty appreciates everything you did and do for him. Cherish all the memories you made with him.

  7. Absolutely beautiful !
    you really love your dog and he loved you!
    Losing our dog 8 months ago, I know the loss and I know the pain!
    but you did such a good thing for Monty, so much joy and happiness !!, may he rest in peace until you’re United again in heaven.🐕🐾✝️🌈💔💔💔💔

  8. What a beautiful story. God Bless them, and I wish more people thought of their life long companions like this. It is losing a member of your family because that’s what they are.💖

  9. Awe how he loved his dog RIP puppy a love for a fur dog is no end I loved reading this story so nice but sad 🐶🐶🐶🐶❤️❤️❤️🩷🩷💕💕💙💙

  10. I have lost many of my dogs over the years I still cry for everyone of them no greater bond than someone and their beloved best friend they are always so loving and loyal I look forward to being reunited with all my amazing fur babies one day I have never had a closer bond with anyone like I had and have with my dogs I love them all and miss them very much still

    • Angela Borrelli:
      I totally agree. Our pets love 💕 us unconditionally losing a pet is like losing a child they have 4 paws 🐾🐾. My husband died a short time ago he had 2 that stayed in his computer room with him all the time rescue dogs Sandy a Labrador retriever and a Labrador/golden retriever mixed. They passed away before he did, I had them both cremated saved their ashes .2 days before his military funeral I believed their remains should be buried with him to rest Charles, Sandy, Sabrina I miss you very much but I am happy you are at peace ☮️ God be with you rest in peace.

  11. WoW!!!! This Is so close to home. Im a puddle.
    I’m greatful for this beautiful man with heart and soul larger than the universe.your
    Mum was amasing raising you
    I’m so moved that I’m actually!!

  12. Such a sweet puppy. I wish my dog could take me out and do such things during my final days. I love you Chauncellor!

  13. What an incredible relationship—such love is heartwarming! I love my fur babies like family as well. It is sooo hard to lose them—especially after living out such wonderful lives with us!!!!

  14. I love how humans have such a connection with their fur babies may you have fun at the rainbow Bridge, may your heart heal. God Bless.

  15. It touched my heart that as sick as the dog was his owner took his to his favorite places, that they shared together one last time! Thats what uncondiyional love is,, its a beautiful thing to say the least of how i describe it! R. I. P. BEAUTIFUL PUP

  16. What a beautiful relationship they had. I don’t think that they saw themselves as Man?Dog or Pet and Owner, I believe that they just saw themselves as “Related with Love”. They both gave to each other and received from each other. If there is anything that is “NOT RIGHT” with this relationship…….It is that it is hard as hell when it comes to an end. I know that I cried when I had to take my cat to the vet for the last time. It took me 2 hours to decide to go….half an hour crying in the car holding him……1/2 in the Vet room…..another 1/2 hour in the car without him…..2 months realizing that it was ME suffering NOT HIM! We had him for almost 16 wonderful years. Hope he knew how much he was loved and how many wonderful memories all our family carry in their hearts. LOVE TO YOU FOR BEING SUCH A GOOD FRIEND TO YOUR BELOVED DOG> JEAN

  17. I have read your beautiful true story and it has touched me deeply. Am finding it difficult to describe how I feel about beautiful Monty. I feel quite emotional because I too am an animal lover particularity dogs. I always have had digs. You did the most beautiful and amazing thing for Monty carrying him so gently and in comfort. The photo of both of you on top of the mountain is so touching . You have reminded me to try to give back to my 2 furry doggies Molly and Masie as much love and companionship as they give me so unconditionally. Thank you so much and thank you especially Monty. What a truly beautiful loving true story ❤️ 💖 💕


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