“The stunning hues of autumn are what I adore most. In a detailed interview with Bored Panda,photographer Dick van Duijn discussed his most recent stunning images, which feature squirrelsplaying in the water with nuts. He said, “I really like it when you’re able to picture an animal with those colors in the background.
Van Duijn’s photographs reveal the unseen beauty of the natural world, and he is renowned for his prowess when it comes to photographing animals, particularly squirrels. With his breathtaking new squirrel photo sessions and gorgeous animal images that encapsulate the essence of Autumn, van Duijn is once again generating headlines in newspapers.
Check out the earlier post on our website’s page about van Duijn’s images of squirrels smellingflowers after finishing this one. You’ll adore it utterly. This page makes that guarantee.
Squirrel photos by photographer Dick van Duijn are incredible.

Van Duijn’s amazing photographs of squirrels were captured “last Monday in a woodland in the Netherlands,” he said.
He explained his effort to get the ideal set of pictures: “I waited from sunset until sundown, but I spent a lot more days there to obtain this amazing shot sharp and in wonderful light with the Autumn colors.

The photographer said, “Nikon offered me some high-end camera equipment after my last widely shared ground squirrel snap, which made this shot (the burst of the Nikon D5) feasible.

He claims that there isn’t really a big philosophical concept underlying his pictures of squirrels.
“I just like to take pictures of them. They have a high rate of cuddling and are highly photogenic,”he jokingly said

Naturally, van Duijn also photographs other species in addition to squirrels. However, due to their agility, squirrels can be exceedingly challenging to picture.
The photographer also captures magnificent images of other animals.

The squirrel jumping photo was undoubtedly the most challenging to take. Usually, you pre focus on a particular location and pray that the squirrel will jump through it so you can get a sharp picture. However, in this instance, I snapped the picture while watching the squirrel jump.

Van Duijn mentioned that he hopes to picture foxes as well as more squirrels when Bored Panda asked him about his photography goals for this winter.

“However, my wishlist is lengthy and continues to grow. The photographer expressed his
aspirations for the upcoming season, saying, “I hope to photograph the newborn grey seal pups in the upcoming several weeks. There is no doubt in my mind that van Duijn’s photographs will be breathtaking, and I am eager to see what he does next.

What did you think of the pictures on this page taken by van Duijn? Which image did you like best? Have you got any requests or ideas for upcoming animal photo shoots? Post your ideas in the comments section below for everyone to read. Enjoy the final days of autumn and don’t forget to feed your neighborhood’s friendly squirrel.