Meet Rick Anderson, a friendly Australian man who has formed an unlikely bond with a female Port Jackson shark. According to Anderson, this shark has become his friend and visits him regularly for cuddles. The remarkable friendship started seven years ago when the shark was a small pup, only 6 inches in length.
Anderson explains that he approached the shark cautiously to avoid scaring it and started to pat it gently. Over time, the shark got used to Anderson’s presence and would even let him hold it in his hand. Anderson would talk to the shark calmly and soothingly through his regulator, further strengthening their bond.
This heartwarming story of a man and his shark friend highlights the importance of understanding and respecting marine life. It’s also a reminder that it’s possible to form unique connections with even the most incredible creatures with patience and kindness.
More info: Rick’s Dive School | Facebook (h/t: thedodo)


A man with 27 years of scuba diving experience and the owner of a dive school shared an incredible story about his close relationship with a shark.
He explained that after several seasons of diving in the same area, a female shark began to recognize him and swim up to him for affection. As time went on, the shark became more and more comfortable with him, to the point where she would even tap him on the legs when he was passing by, asking for a cuddle. This man’s experience with a friendly and playful shark highlights the importance of responsible scuba diving and the incredible experiences that can come from interacting with wildlife in the ocean.

Divers experiencing this for the first time often find it hard to believe.



