It’s no secret that we’re all animal lovers, whether it’s your pet dog, a fish you acquired to fill the void in your apartment, or just an occasional couch and TV day with Animal Planet on in the background. If we didn’t have them, the world would be a lot duller place, not only because they’re adorable, but also because they’re essential to our ecology.

Everyone knows how famous Australia is for its rich biodiversity. Remember those dreadful spider web blankets were strewn throughout the land after heavy rains and flooding? What a sight! However, once we see a precious photo of a koala anywhere on our feed, our arachnophobia vanishes in a matter of seconds.

We decided to investigate Australia’s fauna and have prepared a gallery of super-cute quokka photos that will make you want to book a journey to Australia just to see their adorable expressions.

#1 Little Quokka’s Happiest Day

Adorable Quokkas

To all those who have never visited Australia, most of us have always marvelled how the country has such a diverse range of creatures. Some argue that Australia was formerly part of a continent that split apart and became an island many, many years ago. As a result of its isolation, it evolved differently. More species arose and dominated the area as it moved away from the southern arctic zone. The environment became warmer and dryer.

Furthermore, the country is home to 20 of the top 25 most venomous snakes, and it contains the most species with the most lethal venoms. For example, the inland taipan, a vicious snake seen nowhere else, has enough venom to kill roughly 250,000 mice in a single bite. But enough with the horror stories; now it’s time to focus on Australia’s cutest mammal, the quokka.

#2 I’m so grateful that these Quokkas have changed the world’s emotional landscape on their own.

Adorable Quokkas

Consider your favorite animal, then multiply that feeling by an unknown number of times, and you’ll have a good notion of how you’ll respond if a quokka appears. Even if you’re not a lover of animals for some strange reason, you can’t resist their adorable and ecstatic expressions.

Quokkas are wallabies, small to medium-sized macropods belonging to the kangaroo family. They grow to be about the size of a domestic cat. They have short tails, circular ears on their heads, and short cheeks. Quokkas are the proud owners of the title of “happiest animal on Earth,” which was bestowed upon them by fellow humans who couldn’t get enough of their cuteness.

#3 One Of The Most Romantic Selfies We’ve Ever Seen Of A Quokka

Adorable Quokkas

#4 The Quokka pursued me as I walked back to my bike.

Adorable Quokkas

Quokkas are probably the most well-known and loved species on Rottnest Island. Willem de Vlamingh, a Dutch explorer, characterized these critters as “a kind of rat as big as an ordinary cat” in 1696, and termed the island “rotte nest,” which means “rat’s nest” in Dutch.

The creatures are mostly nocturnal, sleeping and lounging under the shade of plants during the day. Seeds, leaves, grass, and roots are among the foods they consume, and they frequently swallow items that they later vomit and chew. Quokkas also don’t require a lot of water and can go months without drinking. Even though many visitors to the island are eager to meet these lovely creatures, they are not recommended to be fed, as human food can make these fuzzy cuties unwell and dehydrated.

#5 Quokka has perfected the Selfie Stick

Adorable Quokkas

#6 Look At That Little cute Face

Adorable Quokkas

Quokkas like to stick together because they’re quite gregarious with their own kind, so chances are if you encounter one, there will be several more eager to dazzle you with their never-ending smile. Just when you thought these darling beauties couldn’t get any prettier, their newborns are nicknamed “joeys,” just like the kangaroo and koala’s fuzzy offspring. Furthermore, the animals can give birth to up to 17 babies during their lifetime. Although quokkas can only have one kid at a time, the young ones mature swiftly, allowing their mothers to have two babies per year. However, there have been occasions where animals have thrown their pups out of their pouches in the face of danger to distract them and give them time to flee.

#7 Quokkas, I’m assuming, are welcome here.

Adorable Quokkas

#8 This week, I took my first Quokka Selfie. Epic Little Creatures Can Be Found All Over The Island, Just Doing Their Thing During The Day.

Adorable Quokkas

#9 Omgg Quokka!

Adorable Quokkas
Toby Costanzo

Even though it’s difficult to resist their allure, the critters are heavily protected in Australia, and it’s technically forbidden to pet them, so anyone who doesn’t follow the rules risks receiving a $300 fine. These irresistible creatures don’t mind if you take a photo or two of them. Still, because they’ve come to tolerate humans, it’s in your best interest to respect their boundaries and protect them by not feeding or touching them.

#10 Take a look at this cute little guy I met.

Adorable Quokkas

#11 Quokkas, I’d like to introduce you to my little buddies.

Adorable Quokkas

#12 In All Of Their Adorableness

Adorable Quokkas

Unfortunately, quokkas are on the verge of extinction, having lost around half of their habitat in the last 200 years. We must preserve and assist our cherished animal companions whenever and however we are able. When you come across these furry beauties, remember not to feed them. They will continue to live their furry lives, making us happy for many more decades.

#13 I’ve Just Created A Cute Little Furry Friend

Adorable Quokkas

#14 My Wish To Meet A Quokka In Australia Has Finally Been Fulfilled

Adorable Quokkas

#15 Momma Quokka Is Overjoyed With Her Child

Adorable Quokkas

#16 I met this happy chap while cycling around Rottnest Island the other day.

Adorable Quokkas

#17 The Next Few Days Will Be Spent In Quokka Heaven

Adorable Quokkas

#18 This is how we might spend every rainy day.

Adorable Quokkas

#19 Happyy Hump Dayy!

Adorable Quokkas

#20 This Little Guy Tried To Come To Breakfast With Us

Adorable Quokkas

#21 Nathan Fillion with the cute Quokka

Adorable Quokkas
Nathan Fillion

#22 Animals that are the cutest and happiest

Adorable Quokkas

#23 Today on Rottnest Island, I met this cute guy (Australia)

Adorable Quokkas

#24 Quokka Mirinn

Adorable Quokkas

#25 She’s my absolute muse, and she breaks my heart.

Adorable Quokkas

#26 After telling my friend Jen that photographing a quokka is extremely difficult, this little one proved me wrong.

Adorable Quokkas

#27 In Australia, Quokka’s

Adorable Quokkas

#28 Who Could Say No To A Cute Quokka?

Adorable Quokkas

#29 My girlfriend sent me this photo of a quokka that she took.

Adorable Quokkas

#30 Blepp

Adorable Quokkas


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