Alan McFadyen, a passionate wildlife photographer since 2009, finally captured the perfect shot he had been trying to get for six years. He put in much effort, dedicating 4,200 hours and taking 720,000 photos to get a photo of a Kingfisher diving straight into the water without a single splash.

“I aimed to take a picture of a perfect dive without any splash. It required me to be in the right spot and get lucky with the shot, as well as for the bird to perform perfectly,” said McFadyen in an interview with The Herald Scotland. “I would often take 600 pictures in one session, but none of them turned out well. But looking back on all the thousands of photos I’ve taken to get this one image, I realize how much effort I put in to achieve it.”

The common kingfisher, also known as the bright plumage bird, is known for its colorful feathers. This bird is not typical for birds that live in cold places. The kingfisher can be found near lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. It catches its food by diving into the water.

McFadyen, who also has a photography business focused on wildlife, was influenced by his grandfather to appreciate nature and animals. “My grandfather showed me a kingfisher nest when I was young and it left a big impression on me. That’s why when I started taking pictures, I went back to that same spot to photograph kingfishers.”

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Alan McFadyen spent 6 years, 4,200 hours, and took 720,000 photos to capture this one perfect picture.

Kingfisher Bird

“I often take around 600 pictures in one session, but none of them turn out to be good.”

Kingfisher Bird

“I wanted to take a picture of a perfect dive where the dive was straight and there was no splash. This required not only being in the right location and getting a lucky shot, but also for the bird to execute the dive perfectly.”

Kingfisher Bird

“I recall my grandpa showing me a kingfisher bird nest, and I was amazed by how beautiful the birds are.”

Kingfisher Bird

“As I worked on my project, I didn’t pay attention to how much time it was taking. But now, looking back, I am proud of the final result and the effort I put in.”

Kingfisher Bird

“My grandpa would have loved this, but unfortunately, he couldn’t see it. My family reached out to me after they saw it and said he would have been very proud.”

Kingfisher Bird

Private Fishing

Kingfisher Bird


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