A Heartwarming Story of Loss, Love, and a New Beginning: A Woman’s Journey with an Abandoned Puppy
There’s a saying: “Every ending is a new beginning.” This couldn’t be truer for animal rescuer Lidia Elizabeth Reyes Cespedes from Chile. She experienced a bittersweet moment that perfectly captured the essence of this saying.
More info: Lidia Elizabeth Reyes Cespedes

Lidia is known for her kindness and dedication to rescuing animals. Her social media is filled with touching stories about the many animals she’s saved. Last year, she found an elderly stray dog wandering near her home in Chile. Knowing how difficult it would be to find someone willing to adopt an older dog, Lidia decided to care for him herself.


She named the dog Viejito, which means “Little Old Man,” and promised to give him the love and comfort he had never known. Lidia didn’t expect him to live long, maybe just six months, but Viejito surprised her by living for a full year.
After Viejito passed away, Lidia and a friend went deep into the countryside to find a peaceful place to lay his body to rest. As they searched, they suddenly heard the sound of a puppy whimpering. They were alone, so it was a surprise when they spotted a small, abandoned puppy nearby.


The puppy seemed to appear out of nowhere and immediately bonded with Lidia. The timing was remarkable—the puppy arrived just as Lidia was saying her final goodbye to Viejito. The little dog stayed close by while Lidia buried her beloved Viejito, even lying down on top of the mound where he was laid to rest.
As Lidia and her friend prepared to leave, the puppy got up and followed them. Moved by the experience, Lidia decided to take the puppy home, naming her Nube. She hoped to find Nube a loving home, just as she had done for many other rescued animals.


This touching story highlights the importance of animal rescue and adoption. In Chile alone, there are about 2.5 million stray dogs, and nearly 200 million worldwide. Sadly, many of these animals end up in shelters, and too few people consider adopting them.
Lidia Elizabeth Reyes Cespedes is one of the few who is making a difference, proving that a little extra care and unconditional love can work wonders. Genuine love, once given, is never wasted. It transforms us and often comes back to us in the most unexpected ways. For Lidia, that love came back in the form of a little white puppy who needed a home.