When we think about parrots, we generally think of parrots as red, green, or even blue birds. But, the kinds of parrots are different than you imagine. Three hundred ninety-three species differ significantly from each other. From cockatoos with sulfur-crested feathers to bronze-winge parrots, these beautiful birds continue to amaze us with their beauty and intelligence. Have you heard of Pesquet’s Parrot, often referred to by the name of Dracula parrot?

More info: iucnredlist.org

The majestic Pesquet’s parrot bird that is also referred to as Dracula parrot

Dracula Parrots
Image credits: Mike Peel

The gorgeous birds can be identified due to their grey and black chests, pitch-black beaks, and vivid red feathers.

Dracula Parrots
Image credits: Charles Davies

Dracula parrots have short tails and grow to almost 50 centimeters (20 inches) in length. Their weight is between 680 and 800 grams (24-28 pounds).

Dracula Parrots
Image credits: shutterstock

Males and females of this type of parrot look pretty like each other. The only difference is that males have red spots on their earlobes.

Dracula Parrots
Image credits: shutterstock

In contrast to other parrots, They don’t move from branch to. Instead, they leap.

They are only found in the mountains in New Guinea

Dracula Parrots
Image credits: Greg Hume

The most exciting thing about the birds is that they’re the only parrot species with featherless faces.

Dracula Parrots
Image credits: Rüdiger Stehn

The Dracula Parrot is only located within New Guinea

Dracula Parrots
Image credits: Flickr

Unfortunately, these endangered animals are now targets for poachers from the local area. In addition to the increasing destruction of their habitats, this has placed the Dracula parrots’ population at alarmingly low levels.

The only distinction between females and males is that male Dracula parrots are spotted with red dots in their ears.

Dracula Parrots
Image credits: Flickr

The colorful parrots are hunted to harvest feathers. They serve as a ceremonial dress as well as the trade in meat and cage birds

Dracula Parrots
Image credits: Jean

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species analyzed Dracula parrots as vulnerable

Dracula Parrots
Image credits: Linda De Volder


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