Are you a fan of adorable animals? Then you should check out Japan’s Zao Fox Village, a magical oasis filled with six different types of foxes. Located in Miyagi prefecture, this sanctuary is home to red foxes and the rare silver foxes, who love to romp and play together.
For just 100 yen (around 85 US cents), visitors have food to feed the foxes. However, it’s important to remember that these creatures are not domesticated, so hand-feeding them or bringing small children onto Fox Island is cautioned against.
Foxes have been considered sly tricksters in both the East and the West, but they also have a deeper significance in Japan. Some believe that foxes have mystical powers or are messengers of Inari Okami, the Shinto deity of fertility, prosperity, and rice. Whatever your beliefs, there’s no denying that these foxes are utterly charming.
More info: (h/t: kotaku)






As you stroll through Fox Island, you’ll be surrounded by fluffy and mischievous inhabitants. They’ll be vying for your attention and hoping for a snack. But don’t worry; they won’t bite if you don’t get too close!
If you’re a fan of animal sanctuaries, you may have heard of Japan’s bunny and cat islands. But Zao Fox Village offers a unique and unforgettable experience. It’s a chance to see these beautiful creatures up close and in their natural habitat.




Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast or simply looking for a fun and memorable day out, Zao Fox Village is worth a visit. So why add it to your travel bucket list and experience the magic for yourself?







In conclusion, Japan’s Zao Fox Village is a must-visit destination for anyone who loves cute and cuddly animals. This sanctuary is a haven for animal lovers with its six types of foxes, including rare silver ones. Don’t forget to bring some snacks for the foxes – but remember to keep your distance and respect their wild nature. Plan your trip to Zao Fox Village today and experience the magic of Japan’s beloved foxes.







