Kindness and care can make a big difference in saving lives, whether a person or an animal. Vista Grande Fire station firefighters recently demonstrated this by rescuing a 14-week-old lion cub in southern California. The little mountain lion was found in very poor condition on the roadside in Idyllwild. She was extremely dehydrated and had been starving for some time. Her weight at the time of the rescue was only 11 pounds.

The rescue of this lion cub is a powerful example of the importance of compassion and empathy for all living beings. It’s a reminder that every life is valuable and deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. By showing care and compassion, we can positively impact the world.

More info & Photo courtesy: San Diego Humane Society


Lion Cub


Lion Cub

Fortunately, concerned citizens could contact the Department of Fish and Wildlife, who contacted the San Diego Humane Society for further assistance.

Thanks to these organizations’ quick thinking and action, the cub received the necessary medical treatments and cared to recover from her ordeal.


Lion Cub


Lion Cub


Lion Cub

The San Diego Humane Society’s spokesperson said that the baby animal received the necessary medical care. Nina Thompson also mentioned that the animal is fed with proteins and the nutritious food required for its growth. She expressed happiness that the animal gained weight and now weighs 22 pounds.


Lion Cub


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