Polar bears are seldom seen outside of the cold Arctic, yet these bears are no strangers to enjoying fun in the summer! These white giants may be seen frolicking in a field of fireweed in a rare set of pictures by Canadian photographer Dennis Fast. The photographs were shot in Northern Canada’s Hudson Bay, near Churchill Wild lodges in Manitoba. In this interview snippet, Fast describes his interest in polar bears.

“It’s not simply their color that makes them a favorite target of mine,” Fast explains to My Modern Met. “They walk slowly and amble about hunting for anything that moves.” They seem to be unconcerned about anything and to be unafraid of everything. It’s not arrogance per, but rather a calm confidence that we frequently admire in people and which transfers well to the polar bear.”

More info: dennisfast.com | churchillwild.com (h/t: mymodernmet)

#1 “Most people have seen photos of polar bears on the ice and snow of Hudson Bay in Northern Canada and other arctic locales.”

Polar Bear

#2 “They’re so embedded in people’s thoughts that you’d believe the North only experienced winter,” Fast said to My Modern Met.

Polar Bear

#3 “In their natural habitat, polar bears will play with everything.”

Polar Bear

#4 “I’ve seen a large male hold many blades of grass in his massive paws and chew on them for a long period, as though he relished the feel.”

Polar Bear

#5 “On another occasion, I burst out laughing as I witnessed a calm polar bear expose his teeth and pick a single flower from a stalk of fireweed flowers and roll it around between his lips!”

Polar Bear

#6 “Like many others, I am fond of white creatures, such as Arctic foxes, snowy owls, and polar bears.”

Polar Bear

#7 “However, it’s not simply their hue that draws my camera’s attention.”

Polar Bear

#8 “They walk slowly and amble about hunting for anything that moves.”

Polar Bear

#9 “It seems like they don’t care about anything and have nothing to be scared of.”

Polar Bear

#10 “In the end, I hope my photographs encourage people to care for all species and to take action.”

Polar Bear

#11 “It would be a tragedy to lose an iconic species like the polar bear.”

Polar Bear


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