There can never be too many cute pandas, and Qizai has joined the ranks. He is currently flourishing as the world’s lone example of a brown panda, despite being abandoned by his mother at two months old and experiencing abuse from other pandas as a toddler.

Qizai, which means “seventh son,” was found in a wildlife reserve in Central China’s Qingling Mountains as a weak and neglected juvenile panda. His mother had fled into the woods, but one thing was certain: she was black and white.

As a consequence, Qizai’s brown and white coat takes on new life. Scientists think it was caused by a genetic abnormality. Researchers would be one step closer to solving the brown panda mystery if they could see and analyze his cub. As a consequence, Qizai, who is now 9 years old and has never married before, was paired with Zhu Zhu, an 18-year-old female panda. If all goes as planned, there will be one more brown panda, just like Qizai.

Meanwhile, Qizai is content in the Foping Panda Valley, and the days of other pandas taking his food are long gone. Qizai is cared for by a personal caregiver who plans his day around his feeding schedule. The keeper wakes up at 6 a.m. and goes to bed at midnight, simply to ensure that Qizai is fed and protected. This cute panda now weighs over 220 pounds and eats more than 44 pounds of bamboo every day.

‘He is slower than the other pandas, but he is also sweeter,’ said Qizai’s keeper, who described the bear as “gentle, entertaining, and adorable.”

More info: Foping Panda Valley, (h/t)

This unhappy animal was abandoned by his mother when he was two months old, and as he matured, he had to contend with bullying from other pandas..

Brown Panda

Because the motherless panda has always been out of the ordinary, other pandas would steal his food, making his upbringing very tough.

Brown Panda

The brown panda’s dark days are over, and it is now thriving and becoming an animal celebrity!

Brown Panda

The world’s only brown panda, Qizai, has arrived!

Brown Panda

His mother, unlike Qizai, was supposedly black and white, which adds to the mystery of the bear’s fur color.

Brown Panda

It’s most likely because of something in his DNA, and scientists are anxious to find out what it is.

Brown Panda

Qizai has developed into a wonderful specimen at the age of seven, and biologists want to find him a mate.

Brown Panda

Meanwhile, Qizai is having a good time at Foping Panda Valley.

Brown Panda

The animal has a personal caregiver who plans his day around Qizai’s feeding schedule, waking up at 6 a.m. and resting till midnight.

Brown Panda

The world-famous panda now weighs more than 220 pounds and eats more than 44 pounds of bamboo every day.

Brown Panda

‘He is slower than the other pandas, but he is also sweeter,’ Qizai’s keeper told MailOnline.

Brown Panda

If you want to say hello to Qizai, you know where to find him.


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