Many people believe that rainbows are the most beautiful displays that nature has to offer. When sunlight hits water droplets, which typically occur after a day of rain, a rainbow is formed. Due to the rarity and fleeting nature of rainbows, many people do not take advantage of the photographic opportunities they present. This time around, a lot of vibrant photographs have been uploaded to online photo sharing sites. The fact that certain pictures look like scenes from a fairytale may lead viewers to believe that all rainbow tales are grounded in reality.
Which one of these photographs do you find most interesting?
Leave a comment below with your ideas!
#1 My balcony was surrounded by clouds in the colors of the rainbow. Even if they are not quite as stunning as the Northern Lights, it is extremely unusual to experience a spectacle like this in India.

#2 I present to you Rainbow Doggo. May the Lord bless her.

#3 The midnight rainbow I saw in Finland was the only one I saw there.

#4 After investing in a Window Prism, I didn’t have to look far to find the pot of treasure at the end of the rainbow.

#5 My immediate family saw the rainbow that was ablaze someplace in the sky above the Carolinas. It was really breathtaking, despite the fact that it was only a few seconds long.

#6 A Flavor of the Rainbow

#7 Got a picture of both the rainbow and the lightning because they happened at the same time.

#8 When I gazed up at the sky this morning, it looked like a rainbow.

#9 It has been decided to activate the Rainbow Shield.

#10 Polarized sunglasses directed sunlight onto a recently paved road, which resulted in the creation of a rainbow in real life on the road.

#11 The rainbow contained within a cube

#12 An Example of Prism Refraction on the Dog That Belongs to My Son

#13 The previous week, while walking through the woods with my girlfriend, we came across our very first rainbow pool.

#14 The Actuality of Nyan Cat

#15 My Christmas lights are still on since I forgot to turn them off. At least I wasn’t quite as sluggish as others.

#16 Not even rainbows can save the year 2020.

#17 This rainbow’s intensity was reflected in My Aquarium thanks to its presence there.


#19 When reflected on my toilet, the window decal on my car seems like it should be a quest item in a video game.

#20 Kitty with the Rainbow