Meet frogmouths, the owl-lookalike species of bird native to Australia, Southeast Asia, and the Indian Subcontinent. These nocturnal birds may appear soft and fluffy like owls, but they have distinct features such as large mouths and adorable baby chicks. Don’t miss out on the chance to observe these fascinating creatures, especially if you haven’t already.
We wanted to give you a treat and improve your mood, dear readers, so we at Hot Flav have compiled some of the most adorable photos of baby frogmouths nestling from around the web. So we would like to invite you, to Scroll dawn and enjoy these adorable photos.
Frogmouths are named after their large, flattened, hooked bills and wide, frog-like mouths. (However, it is believed that a frog and an owl had a secret Shakespearean romance at the beginning of the frogmouths’ family tree.) Interestingly, frogs are actually part of the birds’ diet.



Frogmouths, which are birds, primarily feed on insects, but they also eat other small vertebrates like mice. Despite their cute appearance, these animals will do what is necessary to survive, even if that means beating their prey against a stone before swallowing it. It’s fortunate for our frog friends that they are not the only prey of frogmouths.
Frogmouths, known for their egalitarian behavior, will lay up to 3 white eggs, which are incubated at night by females and cared for during the day by males.



One of the main differences between owls and frogmouths is their feet. Owls have powerful talons for catching their food, while frogmouths have weak feet and rely on their beaks for hunting. However, both species have adorable chicks that make us want to hug them tight.




















