When a dog crosses our path or stares back at us through the gaps within the fence, many stops in our tracks and gives them a pet. UPS drivers have begun an excellent custom of snapping photos with dogs they meet on their route to work. ‘UPS Canines’ is a Facebook group where they share pictures and experiences.
Jason Hardesty, a New Orleans driver, is one of them. Throughout the photos he posts on his Instagram page, he describes himself as “a very simply entertained UPS driver.”.
#1 Jay And Bit

#2 Jay And Kash

#3 Jay And Prince

#4 Jay And Morgan

#5 Jay And Stanly

#6 Jay And Gov

Many UPS drivers around the country meet and pose with pups daily, according to the ‘UPS Canines’ group on Facebook. However, they don’t just bring dogs. It is generally the case that other animals appear in the pictures shared by the drivers. The UPS drivers have seen all of it! From alpacas to deer, geese to goats, sheep, to chickens… they’ve seen everything!
#7 Jay And Liath

#8 Jay And Sofia

United Parcel Service (often known as UPS) is a corporation that has been in business for more than a century. It was established in 1907 in Seattle, Washington, in the United States. Since then, it has grown into a multinational corporation that is comprised of 434,000 employees (as of 2016). Even if the company offers a diverse selection of services, the one that stands out the most to customers is the delivery of parcels.
#9 Jay And Kingsley

#10 Jay And Jiggy

#11 Jay And Louis

#12 Jay And Summer

#13 Jay And Cusha

#14 Spot And Jay

#15 Jay And Josie

#16 Family Time with Jay

#17 Jay And Charlie

#18 Sophie And Jay

#19 Jay, Chula And Chapo

#20 Jay And Gus