It’s important to realise that hair loss is not a condition that only affects humans. Hair loss can be caused by illness or ageing. Pets can also suffer from hair loss.

The term alopecia refers to the loss of hair. The cause of this condition can be attributed to various natural factors such as seasonal changes, ageing, biological dysfunctions (deficiency of vitamins and minerals), genetic mutations, disease or parasitic infestations. Humans have even tried to make hairless rats and guinea pigs through the crossbreeding of rats and guinea pigs.

We have compiled a list of weird animals that don’t seem to mind that their hair, fur and feathers are missing. How about you? Do you think these hairless animals are still as cute as when they had furs and feathers?

Rabbits without fur

Hairless Rabbit
Hairless Rabbit

As an internet sensation due to his baldness, this cute bunny was adopted in 2009 and immediately became a viral internet sensation. After three months, he grew his first strand of hair and was as normal as his father. He had fluffy siblings, too. (Source:

Hairless Bear

Hairless Bear
Hairless Bear

Dolores, the bear, is one of several animals suffering from sudden hair loss at a zoo in Leipzig, Germany. Although experts believe the animal’s hair loss is due to a genetic defect, some animals seem to have no other physical problems. (Source: Daily Mail)

Hairless Hedgehog

Hairless Hedgehog
Hairless Hedgehog

Betty is a hairless hedgehog-ette at the Foxy Lodge rescue centre in the United Kingdom. Although she has a bald spot on her head, she is otherwise a healthy and fine critter. No one knows what caused the bald area. (Source:

Hairless Parrot

Hairless Parrot
Hairless Parrot

Oscar, a 35-year-old Moluccan cockatoo who had an illness that affects birds – Beak and Feather Disease – suffered from an ailment that affects birds. She would pluck her feathers to get rid of them to avoid irritating herself. (Source: Daily Mail)

Hairless Raccoon

Hairless Raccoon
Hairless Raccoon

Occasionally, these animals may develop a parasitic infection (mange, fungus) that will result in their hair falling out. It’s a pretty common thing for wild animals to do. (Image credits: broccoli)

Hairless Squirrel

Hairless Squirrel
Image credits: Murph le
Hairless Squirrel

It is possible to find bald squirrels in all parts of the world. They usually lose their hair as a result of illness caused by mites. (Source: Daily Mail)

Hairless Guinea Pig

Hairless Guinea Pig
Image credits: Alina Gerika
Hairless Guinea Pig

One example of this is the hairless breed of guinea pig known as the Skinny Pig. It is not necessary to explain why guinea pigs are referred to as “pigs,” given that these hairless animals have pink skin.
(Image credits:

Penguin with no fur

Hairless Penguin
Hairless Penguin

This featherless baby penguin was born at an aquarium in the Liaoning Province of China. Still, his parents would not accept him because he was born bald. The employees at the aquarium concluded that the newborn penguin’s inability to properly digest food and take in nourishment was the cause of its lack of feathers and frail state. The bird was able to successfully rejoin its family after his caretakers assisted him in developing a fluffy coat and preparing him for the experience. (Source: Daily Mail)

Hairless Rat

Hairless Rat
Image credits: CSBeck
Hairless Rat
Image credits: Maxim Loskutov
Hairless Rat

By crossing different genes, hairless rats can be produced. Animals without fur, on the other hand, provide valuable data for researchers about compromised immune systems or genetic kidney diseases. (Image credits: CSBeck)

Hairless Chimpanzee

Hairless Chimpanzee

Often, chimpanzees, like other monkeys and apes, suffer from alopecia. This illness causes them to lose hair all over their body. These poor animals attract many people to zoos. (Image credits: RedEyedRex)

Hairless Dog

Hairless Dog
Image credits: sweet moustache
Hairless Dog

These rare animals are Peruvian hairless dogs. The 4-month-old Machu Picchu in the photo above was given to President Barack Obama as a pet. He promised his daughters a new pet to the White House. However, the dog had to be hypoallergenic since one of the girls is allergic to most things—dog breeds. Peruvian hairless dogs are considered ideal for sensitive people because they lack hair. (Image credits: Karel Navarro)

Wombat with no fur

Hairless Wombat
Hairless Wombat

Meet Karmann, an Australian orphaned baby wombat. Wombats are expected to remain in their mother’s pouch until they reach the age of seven months. Karmann was rescued from her mother’s pouch when she was three months old. She is now completely hairless. She is currently being cared for at a Melbourne wildlife shelter. (Source: Daily Mail)

Hairless Baboon

Hairless Baboon

The female baboon was spotted in Zimbabwe’s countryside. Alopecia could have caused the animal to lose its hair. The cause of the baboon’s baldness was unknown as the animal was seen in the wild. (Source: Daily Mail)

Hairless Kangaroo

Hairless Kangaroo
Hairless Kangaroo

Sabrina, a female Kangaroo, is this tiny creature. Her mother abandoned her in Germany’s Serengeti-Park. Hair does not appear on these creatures until they exit their mother’s pouch. Sabrina’s hairless body needed to be kept close to her heated body or wrapped in a blanket to stay warm. (Source: Daily Mail)

Hairless Hamster

Hairless Hamster

Due to a genetic disorder, hairless Syrian hamsters don’t have fur. Hairless hamster pups are only born to parents with the missing gene, so they aren’t supposed to breed. (Image credits: The Thicket Rabbitry)


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