Cats have taken over the internet because they are cute and funny. Watching funny cat videos can cheer you up on a bad day. They do silly things like playing with forbidden objects, getting scared of random things, and sleeping adorably. Some cats only need a small piece of blanket to have a good night’s sleep, while others take over the whole bed. Their sleeping positions are also hilarious.
Cats love to sleep in various positions, including on their side or curled up. However, the cutest sleeping position is when they lie flat on their back with their legs straight, resembling a human. Chata, an orange and white calico munchkin cat, has gained popularity for this particular sleeping position.
More info: Instagram


Chata is a 2.5-month-old kitten from Japan that has gained viral popularity online for his cute sleeping style. He exposes his round belly and tiny pink paws, which makes him even more adorable. People can’t resist the urge to squeeze him gently because of his cuteness.



This cute cat is having a peaceful nap, as seen by the content expression on its face. We can only imagine what it could be dreaming of, but it’s best not to disturb it.

