When you can have eight dogs, why only have one? Exactly eight dachshunds.
Yuna, a dachshund owner and internet influencer, not only adopted adorable dachshund puppies but also shares her experiences of living with a total of 8 dogs and a cat on the internet. Despite the seemingly chaotic lifestyle, Yuna enjoys taking her furry companions everywhere and having a lot of fun with them.
The dogs seem to enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, holiday traditions like dressing up for Halloween and Christmas, and even snuggling together with Yuna in one bed. However, their favorite activity by far is visiting a car wash. This strange love was discovered while running errands and taking the car to be washed. Yuna said to Dodo, “As soon as the little brushes and water started hitting the windows and the lights turned on, they all woke up and got super excited.”
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