The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and life is simple. This is how we’d want to conceive about nature. But it moves in strange ways, and there’s a reason it’s called Mother Nature.
Things are strange and unsettling out there, to say the least. Consider it a horror film in its own right, complete with sci-fi-like monsters, unique abnormalities, strange flora and animals, and sightings that make you want to declare, “I’m out.”
Hot Flav has developed a terrifying new list for your next nightmare. Prepare yourself for sweaty hands, and don’t say I didn’t warn you.
#1 I saw this man fight off a bird ten times his size. For 10+ minutes, he held this victory pose while the bird perched on a power line, defeated.

#2 Sleeping whales

#3 Size Comparison of a Bald Eagle and a Grey Wolf Captured on Trail Cam.

Our earth is teeming with strange and entertaining flora and creatures. Some have been shrouded in myths and misconceptions, while others remain unknown. David Attenborough’s “Natural Curiosities” series has exposed the astonishing evolutionary features underlying some of nature’s most enigmatic marvels
Flamingos, who live in hot volcanic lakes by filtering out minute algae; salamanders that can regenerate entire limbs; problem-solving crows that develop complicated gadgets; and hippos, which emit a vibrant crimson mucus that functions as sunscreen, are among the unusual species.
#4 Bees kill a murder hive by raising their temperature to cook it alive.

#5 Your chances of being killed by a swarm of frogs are slim, but not none.

#6 This morning, I heard some noise on the roof.

David Attenborough highlighted the unusual occurrence of an almost all-female greenfly in an interview with Radio Times. “They’re already pregnant on the inside.” And there’s another one inside the baby that’s within the mother. So you have three generations in one animal.” As strange as it seems, it’s a really common bug that we don’t give much thought to.
#7 Then There Was This Person.

#8 I Think I Found The Spider-Entrance. Verse’s

#9 I saw that a few shrimp were missing…

#10 What was the exact sequence of events that led to this?

#11 A Possum is yelling at a Bald Eagle.

#12 Nature is terrifying.

The Sandbox Tree, sometimes known as the “Dynamite Tree,” produces fruits that explode. They burst with a loud explosion and throw their hard, flattened seeds at speeds of up to 150 miles per hour and distances of more than 60 feet when completely ripe. Any human or animal in its path might be badly injured by the shrapnel. As awful as this is, bursting seed pods are simply one way a sandbox tree may do damage.
If the fruit of the sandbox tree is consumed, it causes vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps. The tree sap is reported to induce an intense red rash, and if it gets in your eyes, it may blind you. Poison darts have been made from it
#13 The Harpy Eagle’s enormous talons may be as large as a bear’s claws, and its legs can be as thick as a man’s wrist.

#14 My mother discovered this skull, which had a chrysalis within the eye socket.

#15 This ice resembles an eye.

#16 Japan’s Cabbage Field

#17 I’d burn down my house if I saw this in my bathroom corner.

#18 My friend visited India. This morning, she posted a photo with the caption, “It’s Going Well.”

#19 Frogs with Moss.

#20 This bothers me on several levels.

#21 The Scaly-Footed Snail Consumes Toxic Magma-Fumes From Hydrothermal Vents And Develops An Organic Iron Plate Coat.

#22 The Spider and the Dried Frog

#23 A rare mutation causes the Octopus’s tentacles to branch.

#24 Duet.

#25 The Ghost Mantis.

#26 This road was literally picked up and moved by a storm.

#27 Deep Sea Worms Observed Through an Electron Microscope

#28 Last night, I had to go through this door to go to my room.

#29 Suction Cup For Squid Teeth

#30 This farmer discovered the 10,000-year-old skull of an extinct giant Irish elk.

#31 Ants squirting acid at an adversary

#32 When I got home from work, I saw this Tarantula Hawk Wasp devouring a Huntsman Spider.

#33 Lacarria Masoniae Emerging From the Carcass of an Opossum

#34 This snake has both eyes in the same socket.

#35 Honey Combs in My House’s Spare Unit This is the fifth time the bees have returned. Two distinct colonies, one on either side of this unit. They are both within the wall.