Cats have a knack for getting into fascinating tales, and this is a charming yet peculiar one about a cat who got a job as a security guard at a hospital. Let’s explore how this feline landed this unique position!
A cute and friendly cat named Elwood has been visiting Epworth Hospital in Richmond, Australia, for the past year. Elwood likes to hang out at the hospital’s main entrance and watch people coming and going. People who visit the hospital also enjoy petting him.
Sometimes, when Elwood gets bored, he strolls but always stays within his spot at the entrance. Recently, someone gave Elwood a special tag that looks like a security ID from the hospital’s security company.
If you have any thoughts on Elwood’s story, feel free to share them in the comments section below.
More info & Photo courtesy: PawsPlanet

Meet Mr. Trollip, a Pathologist who loves spending time with his furry friend, a cat named Elwood. Elwood is Mr. Trollip’s constant companion at work and always brightens up even the toughest days. Elwood has a few important jobs around the hospital, like keeping watch at the front entrance, the driveway, and the bushes up in the front. No matter what kind of day you’re having, a little animal friendship can go a long way to help reduce stress and make things better.



This fluffy feline, Elwood, knows the value of soaking up the morning sunshine. You can often find Elwood lounging by the bushes, reminding us of the importance of sunlight. Elwood is a watchful protector and a wise reminder of nature’s benefits.



Elwood walks to the hospital every day for work. Although Elwood is not a stray cat, he has responsibilities and people to care for. Elwood even has a special dish for food and water – an old kidney dish!
The story is meant to inspire anyone who is looking for a job. Even though things may seem tough, it’s important to keep trying and not give up. Just like Elwood, if you stay committed, your time will come!
