Sean McCarren, a UPS driver, started a Facebook group in 2013 to honor the furry friends who make his daily routes a lot more fun. After you let it loose, it ran around like a puppy in the park. UPS Dogs now has over 1.4 million Facebook likes and 488K Instagram followers. However, it’s easy to see why the project has become so popular after scrolling through its feed. Alpacas, deer, geese, goats, sheep, chickens, & even cats can be found! Drivers share photos of the adorable animals they’ve met along their route, with some of them knowing their clients’ dogs for years. It’s the kind of wholesome content for which the internet was created.

Hey, we’d like to be pampered… Olympia is the capital of Washington State.

Even though Rudy is blind as a bat, he follows the sound of my truck until I feed him! Saint Joseph, Michigan is a city in the state of Michigan.

I came to a halt in my truck and, before I knew it, I had a helper. Texas’s Sugarland

To: Charlie, our amiable neighborhood UPS driver To share with all the doggos on your route, from Jade and Jasper Jonesborough, Tennessee

Attacking dog California’s Camp Pendleton. Louice

Yeti enjoys it when Dave comes to visit because he always gets a biscuit… Windsor, Pennsylvania

There are eight corgis. I decided to greet my UPS driver, who was looking for treats and attention. New Hampshire’s Keene


Cupcake is the name of the new sheriff in town. Her job….is to keep the peace at the Bells Up Winery on the mean streets of Newberg, Oregon. The Bells Up Winery, like the rough-and-tumble saloons of the old Wild West, attracts its fair share of wine-tasting drifters, cattle rustlers, outlaws, gamblers, horse thieves, and other ne’er-do-wells…all of whom require a firm hand to keep them-in-line. It’s a big job, and Cupcake is the only one who can handle it. She embodies predatory perfection, a pint-sized Pomeranian powerhouse dressed in pink pineapple pajamas. Fourty-four ounces of fearless, fiery, four-legged, flesh-eating ferocity.

Champ is a distemper survivor who rides in a quad-wheelchair. He wanted to meet the big-brown-beast, whom he considers to be his personal goodies truck! Champ is a foster child looking for a forever home. He is available for adoption through Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue in Virginia.

“Ewe” don’t always know who’s coming into your truck. My name is Elsa. She lives in the house. You dare to tell her otherwise!!! Her human told me to ask her if she wanted puppy treats. She did it! He was taken aback. Minnesota’s West Central

Here’s Bill, one of the dogs I see on my daily commute! Louisville, Kentucky

“Are there any Bark Boxes up there?” – JessiePaducah, Kentucky

I’m delivering a package in a garage when I hear a meow from behind. Portland, Tennessee


Today, our delivery guy met our newest member of the family. Illinois’s central region.

She enjoys being carried and snuggled by the UPS man. Kentucky’s Louisville

When you see a puppy, you hold it, cradle it, love on it, give it puppy kisses, and, of course, take a picture with it! What I do is something I enjoy. It is, without-a-doubt, one of the most difficult and demanding jobs I have ever had. However, it is the best job I could ever ask for. As a UPS driver, I see a lot of different things. Crazy people, crazy dogs… and then I meet some really cool people and dogs! But, to be honest, I’d rather see a good ol’ puppy any day! Louisville, Kentucky

Two of the most beautiful dogs I saw on my journey. Ivy and Cinco I have over 250 dogs on my Instagram account. When I retire in February 2020, I’m going to miss my dogs. Woodinville, Washington

This dog has consumed far too many treats. Nebraska’s Central City

Yep! I have a feeling I shouldn’t get out of the package car! Just a thought… Chesaw, Washington…

The deer dog Sparkles. Lake City FL

Mr. Bentley of Bozeman, Montana, has been named the best employee.

Hello from Nuremberg, Germany

This dog has to be one-of-the coolest looking dogs!! This one’s name is Loki.

Another heartbreaker. Otis, Oregon

On my new route, I’m making new friends. English Mastiff weighing 200 lbs. Kentucky’s Bowling Green

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


AwwwW, our new baby
Camas, Washington

Me & my bud Kai ! Burlington, Wisconsin

Look into my-eyes.



Our UPS drive loves our Doberman-pack..
Harpersferry, WV.

Steve in Wales, Wisconsin, with Mama Callie in the center, baby Sikari on the left, and Reggie on the right.

Smiling because it’s-Friday! Goldsboro, NC

My buddy-Hank! Vero Beach FL


It appears to be a two-treat day. Springer, Tim Orlando is in Florida.