During the holiday season, your beloved feline or canine companion may exhibit unexpected and destructive behavior, despite their usual cute and innocent demeanor. “Christmas decorations causing chaos in your home, especially with the tree as a playground. These photos depict the worst holiday destruction ever witnessed.

Scattered presents under the tree will appear insignificant once you witness the chaos caused by mischievous dogs and naughty cats. Have they eaten Christmas decorations? Yes. Have they overturned the tree? Yes. Have they covered your meticulously decorated Christmas setup with hair? Definitely, or should I say sprinkles? It seems that your and your silly pets’ Christmas visions are not aligned.

Take a look and comment on the best catastrophic events, and share your own pictures of adorable, fluffy destruction-causing creatures.

#1 It looks like the tree has fainted – we hope it’s okay!”

pets destroying Christmas deco

#2 My Work Is Done

pets destroying Christmas deco

#3 “It has been live for less than three minutes.”

pets destroying Christmas deco

#4 “Canine Leaped into Festive Evergreen Following Feline”

pets destroying Christmas deco

#5 “Feline Destroys All Christmas Gifts on Morning”

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#6 It was Delicious

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#7 I like candy canes

pets destroying Christmas deco

#8 He Has A Good Time

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#9 Which Is The Odd One Out?

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#10 I swear it wasn’t me!

pets destroying Christmas deco

#11 It Was delicious!

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#12 He Is Helping The Christmas Deco…

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#13 Kitty Destroys Xmas-town

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#14 “Mother Erected Christmas Tree with Assistance from Family Members”

pets destroying Christmas deco
Beagles to the Resque

#15 “Pretend Like Nothing Occurred”

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wiseheart knits

#16 White Catistmas

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#17 Cat 1 – Christmas Tree 0

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#18 It’s Not Even Up Yet!!

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#19 “Decorating Tips for Disassembling the Holiday Tree”

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#20 Good Night All

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#21 “Uncertain Regarding Entire Tree Concept”

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#22 A Tyrannosaurus In A Nativity Scene

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#23 My Little Angel

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#24 Bengal Bauble.

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#25 “I am aware that the topic at hand pertains to felines and canines, however, I also greatly enjoy the holiday season of Christmas.”

pets destroying Christmas deco

#26 I believe that my furry friend experienced a delightful holiday season, don’t you agree?

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#27 I Won’t Touch Anything, I Promise :)

pets destroying Christmas deco

#28 “Puppy Preparation for inaugural Christmas celebration”

pets destroying Christmas deco
pets destroying Christmas deco

#29 Cat Under Christmas Tree

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#30 Christmas Tree, Are You Ok?

pets destroying Christmas deco


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