Humans have explored a small part of the ocean, only 5%. But there are many things in the ocean that people may not know. For example, there are more viruses in the ocean than stars in the sky. Another thing that people may need to learn is that the deepest part of the ocean is intense. It is 36,200 feet deep. There are also things called hydrothermal vents in the sea. These vents can get very hot, up to 700 degrees Fahrenheit. But if a person ever went that deep in the ocean, the water pressure would be so strong that it would crush them before they could feel the heat.
Are these facts making you feel nervous? If so, you might have a fear of large bodies of water called thalassophobia. Some people love going to the beach or swimming in lakes, but these places are scary for others. You might want to avoid reading this list if you prefer staying on land. But if you love to learn more about the ocean and the power of water, keep reading.
#1 Alex Dawson’s pictures of scuba diving won an award and are very scary.

#2 It was at the edge.

#3 Diving without equipment in the waters near Iglesias, Italy.

The Thalassophobia subreddit has started around since 2013. Many people like it, and it has 1.2 million members. People post pictures and stories about how scary and calm the ocean, and other big bodies of water can be. Some photos show creatures that look like they’re from another planet, and some show huge waves that can damage or destroy towns. Even though I like swimming in the ocean and visiting lakes, I know that water can be dangerous if you’re not careful.
Thalassophobia is a fear of the sea or being in large bodies of water. It can cause symptoms like worry, trouble concentrating, tense, sweating, fast heart rate, shaking, chest pain, feeling like something terrible is going to happen, feeling out of control, stomach issues, and trouble sleeping. This fear can make life difficult for the person who has it.
#4 This picture was taken near Moalboal on an island called Cebu in the Philippines. The man in the picture is diving without special equipment, only using a mask. I was fortunate to capture him while he was swimming up through a group of small fish. The picture was taken with a special camera and a specific lens at a specific speed and aperture.

#5 Thalassophobia And Submechanophobia Combined Into One Photo.

#6 I saw a picture on Facebook from a page called “Wonders of the Planet Earth.” The picture showed a ship that had been wrecked and was being taken over by the sea.

If looking at these pictures makes you scared or upset, it’s okay to stop looking at them. These pictures might be hard to look at. But if you want to get over your fear of bodies of water, you can try “exposure therapy.” This means facing what you’re afraid of in a safe way. For example, if you’re afraid of deep water, you can take a swimming class.
If you are afraid of sea animals, you can see them at an aquarium. If you look at your fears, they might not be as scary as you thought. It’s good to have help from a professional when doing this. This list might be too hard to look at on your own. Remember, you are not the only one who feels this way.
#7 The Arch In The Blue Hole in Egypt is famous for being dangerous and has caused the deaths of up to 200 people.

#8 Rebreather Diving, Eastern Slovakia

#9 When you are scared of flying and also scared of water, they meet each other.

Many people are afraid of water. A group called Cleveland Clinic says that 3% of Americans have a fear of water. There are also other fears related to water, like being afraid to take a bath, being afraid of waves, being afraid of creatures or things in the water, being afraid of things under the water, and being afraid of the ocean. These fears usually come from bad experiences with water in the past, hearing bad stories about water, or seeing someone else with the same fear.
#10 The thought of the tunnel collapsing while you’re deep under the ocean.

#11 Old, empty silver mines in the Thunder Bay area of Lake Superior, Ontario.

#12 I Could Never

Many people are afraid of deep water, even if they don’t have a phobia. A study found that 46% of American adults are scared in a pool with water over their heads, and 64% are scared in deep, open water. This is normal because there can be danger in deep water. It is important to be safe and not be alone in deep water. If you are afraid because you cannot swim, it is not too late to learn how to swim and feel more confident in the water. Plus, swimming is fun!
#13 The Dean’s Blue Hole is located in Long Island, Bahamas. (Picture taken by Willtrubridge)

#14 The Drop Off

#15 Would You like Spend The Night?

#16 Calm But Eerie

#17 Imagine being in a place where you can’t leave.

#18 The Dragon Hole in the South China Sea is the deepest blue hole in the world. It goes down very deep, about 300 meters (987 feet)

If you are scared to go into the ocean, we can help calm your fears. I found a list from Parade that shows why we don’t need to be afraid of the ocean. For example, if you are scared of sharks, it is very unlikely that you will be bitten by one. Even though many people go into the ocean yearly, only a small number of people are bitten by sharks. Marine biologist David Shiffman says sharks can sense us but don’t want to eat us. More people are killed by vending machines than sharks.
#19 It is supposed to be calming, but it is actually very scary.

#20 The ocean reminds you how small you are when you see how much it can hold.

#21 Lake Ponchartrain Causeway Bridge In Louisiana

Do stingrays make you feel uncomfortable? Don’t worry; they usually don’t kill with their stings. A person named Shiffman said that stingrays couldn’t sting us unless we stepped on them. So, if you’re in a place where they live, try to walk by shuffling your feet on the ground instead of lifting them with every step. This will probably scare them away instead of getting stung.
#22 The last moments of the ship, SS Andrea Doria, in 1956.

#23 Floating In A Ship

#24 Investigating the Secrets of the Sea.

It is okay to have that fear if you are scared of drowning in the ocean. But there are things you can do to stay safe. Wear a life jacket and have someone nearby to help you if something happens. Learn how to swim and not go into deep or dangerous water. Be prepared for emergencies by knowing CPR and swimming in a place with a lifeguard. Doing these things allows you to enjoy the ocean without being too scared. If you are still nervous, you can stay on the beach and play in the sand, building castles and searching for seashells instead.
#25 Into The Darkness

#26 Deep Water Swell

#27 Huge Wave

I hope this article did not scare you to talk to your therapist about the ocean. The ocean is a wonderful place, and many people, including me, have had great experiences visiting it. It’s okay to be careful, but don’t let fear stop you from enjoying your life.
#28 When you’re swimming and feel like seaweed is touching your feet, it’s not seaweed.

#29 The Finnish Nature Photograph Of The Year By Antti Strang

#30 World’s Smallest Inhabited Island

Source Credit Bored Panda