Do you know what an aardwolf is? If not, prepare to meet the cutest animal you’ve ever heard of!
Aardwolves are wild animals that belong to the same family as hyenas. They look very much alike, but aardwolves eat termites instead of bones, unlike hyenas. Aardvarks also eat termites, and the word “aard” in aardwolf and aardvark means “earth” in Dutch.
Aardwolves are adorable animals that are originally from East and Southern Africa. They prefer living in holes underground but usually move into abandoned burrows of other creatures. These creatures are shy and only come out at night. However, in the winter, they flip their routine to conserve energy. They sleep at night and feed during the day. Aardwolves have long tongues that they use to eat thousands of termites. They eat so many that a single aardwolf can eat up to 300,000 termites each night! A full-grown aardwolf is similar in size to a fox and is loyal to their mate for their entire life. Aardwolves are attractive and cute creatures that you should see for yourself. Just scroll down!









