Anil Prabhakar’s recent images reveal a stunning glimpse of the Borneo conservation forest. While Prabhakar and his pals were on safari, the forest guard waved orangutan foes out of the river. Prabhakar was photographing when he was approached by an orangutan who offered to assist him. People are amazed at the orangutan’s kindness after seeing a healthy photo go viral in a matter of seconds.
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A photographer’s emotional images of a man saving another man who is drowning in a river have just gone viral.

There was something about the water that I couldn’t explain. There was something in the water when the warden removed the shrubs. When he was watching the orangutan, he was on the verge of approaching the river’s banks. The orangutan then approached Prabhakar and offered him a hand.

The forest warden refused to give the orangutan his hands because he was terrified of engaging with wild creatures, according to the photographer. The warden continued. When I questioned him why he was acting so strangely, he answered it was because there was a wild animal that we weren’t aware of. They needed to keep them safe.

A healthy encounter was attended by Forest Wardens. He is currently employed at the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation in Borneo. Habitats for orangutans are in jeopardy due to growing deforestation, which he and his 400 employees are tasked with preventing.

In 1991, the Foundation was founded. It is now caring for over 650 orangutans. Orangutans’ natural habitats safeguard all other creatures and plants. We must maintain our wildlife habitats as humans.

Borneo is home to 160 snake species, according to estimates. Many of these snake species pose a threat to orangutans. Workers have been removing snakes from rivers and teaching kids about the hazards of wild animals as part of the organization’s efforts to conserve orangutans.