Even if you thought beauty contests were only for people, there are contests for camels, badgers, cats, and even goats. Although most contestants are stunning, goats look for a different type of beauty.
This beauty pageant awards billies, also known as the Damascus goat, who are on the internet referred to as the “World’s Ugliest Animals.” Although we don’t like calling our four-legged friends ugly, this particular goat breed is unique.
The Damascus goat is believed to be primarily used for milk production but can also produce meat and leather. The most exciting thing about these bizarre creatures is their appearance changes as they mature. When goats with long ears become massive beasts with large noses, many people fear them. This particular goat breed, which looks rather ugly, has grown in value and can reach prices of 67.000 USD, according to goat experts.
Look at these Damascus goat images and decide whether they’re adorable or ugly for yourself.














