Lions have always been famous as the king of the jungle. Their long hair and powerful roar make them look strong and impressive. However, did you know that these giant creatures can also be playful? You might see a male lion grinning while mating with a lioness or playfully wrestling with their cubs. These moments are truly amazing to witness!
In this story, the lion is a clever creature that likes to have fun with a photographer. The lion startles the photographer with a loud and scary roar but quickly makes a friendly face and acts as if nothing happened. This lion is an excellent example of an intelligent and playful animal.


Gren Sowerby, a photographer, met a fun lion while taking pictures of wild animals in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve. The impressive lion was about 40-50 feet from the man. If you’re interested in wildlife photography, Maasai Mara National Reserve is a great place to visit!

An elderly British photographer, who is 69 years old, was astounded when he heard a loud animal roar. Yet a moment later, he was beaming with wonder. He understood he had a unique opportunity to record something distinctive and unforgettable!

The skilled photographer took a photo of a massive animal with a big smile using his camera. He felt delighted because this was a rare moment. Few photographers see a lion, the king of the jungle, with a smile. He was lucky to capture this incredible moment on camera.
These photographs gained much attention after Sowerby shared them on his social media accounts. The images depict a strong lion with a kind smile that resembles a Disney movie character. Many shared the photos online after finding them interesting, which is how this happened.
Source Credit Aubtu