A very uncommon white newborn deer was recently discovered near Oslo, Norway, by wildlife photography enthusiast Mads Nordsveen, and the photographs are stunning, like something out of a fantastical Christmas story.
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“I was trekking in the mountains seeking wonderful vistas for my trip photography when out of nowhere I noticed this cute animal,” the 24-year-old said. While the wintery backdrop nearly completely obscured the lovely deer, the photographer said that it made no effort to hide and even ‘posed’ for several photos.

“He came quite near to me, and we gazed at each other right in the eyes,” Nordsveen remembered, “and after some minutes, the mother of the white deer emerged out of trees immediately behind.” It roamed about for a few moments before returning to its mother. It was a wonderful, fairy-tale moment.”

White reindeer have a rare genetic defect that depletes the color in their coats, allowing them to blend in with their snowy environment. They still retain black pigmentation in their eyes and antlers, unlike albinos.



It’s not the first time this photographer/explorer has had the opportunity to interact with wild creatures. In Northern Norway, he also got to encounter a Lynx and wolves.