Like hawks and eagles, owls are also classified as raptors or birds of prey. This means they are equipped with sharp talons and curved bills that allow them to hunt, capture, and consume their game effectively. Owls are considered apex predators in their natural habitats, and they have keen senses, such as exceptional vision and hearing, to help them locate and catch their prey. Owls are fascinating creatures of various species, each with unique characteristics and behaviors.

Tanja Brandt, a photographer, captured a stunning image of an owl taking shelter from the rain. To everyone’s surprise, the picture became immensely popular on the internet.

Image Credit & More Info: tanja_brandt/instagram | | Tanja Brandt/



Owls are unique from hawks and eagles in numerous ways. Most owls have a robust body, sizeable heads, velvety feathers, short tails, and a reversible toe. Additionally, their eyes are positioned in the same direction as humans. These birds are most active during the night, making them nocturnal creatures.





There are approximately 250 owl species distributed across the globe, except the frigid terrain of Antarctica. Can find owls on nearly every continent.





Owls often use low-frequency vocals to communicate, which helps their calls travel farther without getting absorbed by plants. Learning these unique songs and sounds can help us detect and recognize the presence of owls in an area.






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