It’s a ram! It’s a calf! No, it’s Costasiella kuroshimae (also known as ‘Leaf Sheep’). This charming tiny sea slug feeds on algae, much like the real thing, with its beady eyes and delicate feelers.
The small adorable species, which can grow up to 5mm in length and may be found around Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines, is remarkable because it is one of the world’s few water organisms that can perform photosynthesis (the others all belong to the sacoglossa sea slug clade). When these strange creatures consume algae, they suck out the chloroplasts and incorporate them into their own bodies through a process known as kleptoplasty. This procedure, which can only be accomplished by single-celled creatures, effectively transforms them into solar-powered slugs!
If this lovely sea slug has prompted you to reconsider sea slugs, then check out this charming’sea bunny’ sea slug to cement the deal!
More info:
#1 This adorable sea sheep is actually a sea slug that enjoys eating algae.

#2 It is one of the few animals on the planet that can photosynthesize using algae!

#3 These little nibblers have been discovered all throughout the world, from Japan to Indonesia and the Philippines.


#5 baaaa.

Source Credit Bored Panda