Mushrooms have a quiet place in the plant kingdom as the plant kingdom’s tiny, uglier cousins. But they actually have a wonderfully attractive and magnificent world waiting to be discovered. These stunning mushrooms, photographed by keen nature photographers, are very unique from those in the woods or at your neighbourhood supermarket.
Since their fungal networks extend much further underground and certain fungi don’t even produce the kinds of mushrooms we’re used to seeing, most mushrooms are essentially merely the reproductive structure of the fungus they belong to. According to the definition of a “organism,” a fungus may actually be the biggest living thing on earth; a colony of honey mushrooms in Oregon takes over roughly 2,000 acres.
#1 Puffballs

#2 Mycena Chlorophos

#3 Marasmius Haematocephalus

#4 Rhodotus Palmatus

#5 Phallus Indusiatus

#6 Amethyst Deceiver

#7 Panus Fasciatus

#8 Clathrus Ruber

#9 Porcelain Fungus

#10 Lepiota

#11 Leratiomyces

#12 Hydnellum Peckii

#13 Favolaschia Calocera

#14 Cyathus Striatus

#15 Coprinus Comatus

#16 Mushrooms With A Snail

#17 Aseroe Rubra

#18 Morchella Esculenta

#19 Tiny Golden Mushrooms

#20 Hairy Mycena

#21 Amanita Muscaria

#22 Laccaria Amethystina

#23 Tiny Orange Mushrooms

#24 Entoloma Hochstetteri

#25 Lactarius Indigo

#26 Mycena Viscidocruenta

#27 Oudemansiella Mucida

#28 Chlorociboria

#29 Entoloma Hochstetteri

#30 Helvella Lacunosa

#31 Marasmius Rotula

#32 Cookeina Tricholoma

#33 Mycena Chlorophos

#34 Purple Mushrooms In The Woods

#35 Morchella

#36 Entoloma Hochstetteri

#37 Plectania Campylospora

#38 Russian Muhomor

#39 Yellow Mushroom

#40 Coprinus Comatus

#41 Amanita- Giumalau Mountains

#42 Lafe

#43 Leathery Goblet

#44 Amanita Pantherina

#45 Mushroom Balls

#46 Colony

#47 Fly Agaric

#48 Up North Michigan

#49 Mushroom On A Hill

#50 Pink Oysters! (pleurotus Djamor)

Credit Source Bored Panda